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Rua General Câmara, 243 - Room 502 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil - CEP: 90010-230
0800 701 7576

This phone is intended exclusively for you to clarify doubts, send complaints, suggestions, criticisms and compliments related to ONNIX CORRETORA.
LGPD channel

This is the communication channel made available by Onnix Corretora to data subjects for forwarding requests for rights, pursuant to articles 18 and 20 of law 13.709/2018 - General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD)
Illicit channel
The purpose of the Communication Channel for unlawfulness is to receive information from employees, collaborators, associates/customers, users of products and services, partners or suppliers, situations with signs of unlawfulness of any nature, related to the activities of Onnix Corretora.

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